How we 10x the number of Google organic pages in 2 months for one of our clients Image

How we 10x the number of Google organic pages in 2 months for one of our clients

Published on 01-03-2024


    In this post, you’re going to read exactly how we 10x the organic pages indexed on Google for one of our clients. Towards the end, you are going to see the strategies we used to do it.

    PS: this was done without any shady tactics or ANY BACKLINKS. Only applying best practices that best suit the type of site we were building.

    The website is still growing, but here are the results we’ve seen at the time of writing this (end of Feb 2024). Here are the results:

    Organic Pages And Traffic Growth

    Also the organic keywords:

    Ahrefs Keywords Growth

    About the customer

    I started working with this client a while ago to develop his website, while he was focusing on hiring other contractors to work on SEO. Since the content is dynamic, he wanted to have a bunch of these pages on Google, which would boost sales.

    But the deck was not stacked in our favor. The content posted was not great, and it was in all other languages but the one we were targeting. The contractors were not doing their jobs, and you can see in the charts that in a full year we did not grow that much, if at all.

    SEO Agency Results

    The painful 1-year road to nothing

    He tried different contractors and different strategies. Nothing helped.

    He started with the SEO basics. Ie: everything that everyone recommends: sitemaps, keywords, header and footer optimization, social media tags.

    The results were nothing spectacular, but there was a little bit of growth. Brick by brick the organic pages were started to index.

    Then the unexpected hit.

    After consistently growing for 1.5 months, he stopped growing. We speculate is that changing the keywords made Google stop liking the site. And then fell harder than ever.

    SEO case study - Growth then fall

    This was a big hit in his morale, but he did not give up. We then focused on making the product better, adding features, and preparing for our next try. From March until summer we did not hire any other contractors.

    Failing again

    In the summer he hired another contractor to bring this project to life, and the work began

    Some of the biggest changes to the site have been made since then.

    New keywords, titles, links, url structures. We even implemented Artificial intelligence to structure the User-generated content.

    And those things helped. He started growing, but very slowly. It was dreading, because he knew he was doing well, but he didn’t know how to do even better

    After continuing with the work, creating blog posts, revamping old pages, and focusing on more internal linking, he only saw incremental improvements.

    The contractor “finished” the work, and he wes yet again on his own.

    We stepped in.

    After all the pains and frustrations gained over almost a year of not seeing any significant results, the client chose us to do SEO.

    We already had some theories of why the site is not growing and what we might do to help it

    What exactly did we do

    We started doing SEO for the client with 2 of our core principles in mind: 1. Don’t pretend you’re smart when you’re not. And 2. replicate before you iterate.

    Instead of pretending we were the experts knowing everything and doing what the other contractors did but better, we went to the drawing board.

    We asked: Are those tactics suiting this type of site? What are our competitors doing? What piece of the puzzle we are missing? What are we missing that others don’t?

    We found the answer


    1. In-depth analysis of our competitors, searching through sitemaps, analyzing their code with developer tools, seeing how headers, breadcrumbs, links, and images are merged on their website
    2. Looking at our website audits and making a list of the most prominent issues
    3. Combining our past knowledge of SEO and learning whatever was needed to form a conclusion

    We found 3 main problems with the site and 25+ fixes we must implement to make the site rank well on Google

    The main problem was site architecture and internal linking. Without going much into detail, site architecture is the hierarchical structure of the site, and how pages interact with each other. Internal linking is how we link from one page to another.

    Finally, results

    After implementing most of the things that we found, the website started growing like crazy, and users started signing up for it. We worked smarter, not harder and the results speak for themselves.

    It took a couple of weeks for Google to pick up the changes and then the charts started being vertical instead of horizontal.

    In the future, we want to combine the short-term with the long-term. Make all the initial changes that are easy, to see the growth skyrocket, while simultaneously focusing on more long-term strategies like backlinks and brand building.

    We can do the same for you

    If this story inspires you, keep in mind that it can be easily replicated. By reducing SEO to a science, we can do it again and again.

    If you want a free analysis of your website from us, and the option to work together, schedule a call below
    Alexandru Totolici profile picture


    Alexandru Totolici

    Alex is the founder of Gliesess. With a foundation built on 7 years of experience, technical expertise is not a lack of his. After discovering SEO accidentally, he fell in love with it.

    Tags: seo agency10x growthbest practices

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